Thursday, October 30, 2014

Brett Ryder's First Adventure: Through the Birth Canal

   Today my baby is exactly a week old. It seriously makes me want to cry, I want my baby to stay a baby. I figured it would be appropriate to write my birth story today. I wrote it not long after I gave birth, so it was fresh on my mind. Looking back, it's only been a week, but my labor is fuzzy in my mind. I remember it, but not like I did when it had just happened. I'm glad I wrote down what I did. The writing may not be perfect, but I'm sure that people understand I had just had a baby and just wanted to remember the birth of him. So here it is!

   "So I had my baby! He is perfect. I started pit at one in the morning, made it till around noon and got the epidural, which was the best thing ever. I had gotten some other pain medicine around nine which made me kinda loopy. I couldn't stop smiling or talking, and I was a happy girl, ha. 

   Around 11 I decided I would probably be getting the epidural, and by the time it was noon, I was wanting the epidural In a bad sort of way. I got the epidural about 12:45, and it was nothing like I expected. It did not hurt at all really, the only hurt was when he initially numbed where he would put the epidural. The relief came within minutes. The only thing was that the catheter was slightly uncomfortable, but I think that it wouldn't have bothered me if I hadn't have just had a bladder infection. My blood pressure was low, so I was on oxygen till my last push or so. The epidural lowered my blood pressure, and the oxygen was for the baby, to make sure he was ohkay. 
  I felt like I needed to push a little after 7. The pain all the sudden became so intense. I just started crying because it hurt so much. I could move my legs and everything, so I think the epidural had started wearing off. They came in and gave me something else for the pain which helped a little bit. I couldn't stop crying. I was crying to my mom because I was crying. I remember telling her that I was sad because I was gonna be emotional now. And she chuckled at me. Pain and meds make you feel all sorts of emotions, that's for sure.
  I had music playing while this was going on, and I had made a little playlist of just songs I liked. A few weeks ago I was joking about playing the song "hooked on a feeling" when I was pushing. My mom was not amused, although my siblings were, ha. Well, the last song I remember hearing is that song. I was in so much pain, and all the sudden, that song starts playing, in my extreme state of pain, I started laughing while I was crying. All I could think of was how ironic it was playing because my playlist was on shuffle, and I will definitely not forget that song playing.
  I pushed for a good 30 minutes, and my perfect baby boy was born! The doctors kept saying most mommas push for an hour or two, and with the epidural, two or three hours. I was not going to push that long. There was no way. So I didn't. They got a mirror so I could see Ryder's head. I saw my baby be born. My doctor was telling everyone how good I did, and that I had an amazing birth. It definitely made me happy that I had done so well my first time.
  They said I must have had a perfect epidural. I made it till my pain was at a 8 1/2-9, then I got the epidural. I never had to up the pit more than what was supposed to be the perfect amount. I could still move my legs, although I think it wore off right around the very end. I wasn't numb at all after Ryder was born.
  I think that my birth was perfect for me. As soon as he was born, they put him right on my chest. I ended up needing two stitches, which I could feel her do, but I didn't care because my baby was laying on my chest, I couldn't believe it. My mom cut the umbilical cord, and I got to bond with Ryder for an hour before they gave him a bath and weighed him and everything. It was so surreal. 

   One thought I couldn't shake was how good he smelled. Before you have a baby, you think about how your baby is gonna be kinda slimy and need to be cleaned when they are born, but when he was on my chest, he was not slimy at all to me. He was perfect. And I really couldn't believe he smelled so good, ha. My baby ended up being 7lb 14.8 oz. 20 1/2 inches long. And at 12 hours old, he had pooped three times, and had started to suckle more with breastfeeding. My dr made a good call with having him a bit early. I love him so much.<3"

   I am so blessed with my little boy. At a week old, he is breastfeeding really well. He is having good diapers, and he enjoys sleeping, which is wonderful. He is such a sweet-tempered baby. He doesn't cry a lot either. I love my little baby so much.


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