Thursday, October 30, 2014

Brett Ryder's First Adventure: Through the Birth Canal

   Today my baby is exactly a week old. It seriously makes me want to cry, I want my baby to stay a baby. I figured it would be appropriate to write my birth story today. I wrote it not long after I gave birth, so it was fresh on my mind. Looking back, it's only been a week, but my labor is fuzzy in my mind. I remember it, but not like I did when it had just happened. I'm glad I wrote down what I did. The writing may not be perfect, but I'm sure that people understand I had just had a baby and just wanted to remember the birth of him. So here it is!

   "So I had my baby! He is perfect. I started pit at one in the morning, made it till around noon and got the epidural, which was the best thing ever. I had gotten some other pain medicine around nine which made me kinda loopy. I couldn't stop smiling or talking, and I was a happy girl, ha. 

   Around 11 I decided I would probably be getting the epidural, and by the time it was noon, I was wanting the epidural In a bad sort of way. I got the epidural about 12:45, and it was nothing like I expected. It did not hurt at all really, the only hurt was when he initially numbed where he would put the epidural. The relief came within minutes. The only thing was that the catheter was slightly uncomfortable, but I think that it wouldn't have bothered me if I hadn't have just had a bladder infection. My blood pressure was low, so I was on oxygen till my last push or so. The epidural lowered my blood pressure, and the oxygen was for the baby, to make sure he was ohkay. 
  I felt like I needed to push a little after 7. The pain all the sudden became so intense. I just started crying because it hurt so much. I could move my legs and everything, so I think the epidural had started wearing off. They came in and gave me something else for the pain which helped a little bit. I couldn't stop crying. I was crying to my mom because I was crying. I remember telling her that I was sad because I was gonna be emotional now. And she chuckled at me. Pain and meds make you feel all sorts of emotions, that's for sure.
  I had music playing while this was going on, and I had made a little playlist of just songs I liked. A few weeks ago I was joking about playing the song "hooked on a feeling" when I was pushing. My mom was not amused, although my siblings were, ha. Well, the last song I remember hearing is that song. I was in so much pain, and all the sudden, that song starts playing, in my extreme state of pain, I started laughing while I was crying. All I could think of was how ironic it was playing because my playlist was on shuffle, and I will definitely not forget that song playing.
  I pushed for a good 30 minutes, and my perfect baby boy was born! The doctors kept saying most mommas push for an hour or two, and with the epidural, two or three hours. I was not going to push that long. There was no way. So I didn't. They got a mirror so I could see Ryder's head. I saw my baby be born. My doctor was telling everyone how good I did, and that I had an amazing birth. It definitely made me happy that I had done so well my first time.
  They said I must have had a perfect epidural. I made it till my pain was at a 8 1/2-9, then I got the epidural. I never had to up the pit more than what was supposed to be the perfect amount. I could still move my legs, although I think it wore off right around the very end. I wasn't numb at all after Ryder was born.
  I think that my birth was perfect for me. As soon as he was born, they put him right on my chest. I ended up needing two stitches, which I could feel her do, but I didn't care because my baby was laying on my chest, I couldn't believe it. My mom cut the umbilical cord, and I got to bond with Ryder for an hour before they gave him a bath and weighed him and everything. It was so surreal. 

   One thought I couldn't shake was how good he smelled. Before you have a baby, you think about how your baby is gonna be kinda slimy and need to be cleaned when they are born, but when he was on my chest, he was not slimy at all to me. He was perfect. And I really couldn't believe he smelled so good, ha. My baby ended up being 7lb 14.8 oz. 20 1/2 inches long. And at 12 hours old, he had pooped three times, and had started to suckle more with breastfeeding. My dr made a good call with having him a bit early. I love him so much.<3"

   I am so blessed with my little boy. At a week old, he is breastfeeding really well. He is having good diapers, and he enjoys sleeping, which is wonderful. He is such a sweet-tempered baby. He doesn't cry a lot either. I love my little baby so much.


Monday, October 27, 2014


   I am going to try to start posting on Mondays when it comes to my little man. It seems appropriate considering  the oh so popular hashtag. #mcm. I am so in love.

 I feel like I am going to sporadically post at first, after all, I am a new momma. 

   I adore being a mommy. I plan on writing about how the birth went in another post, but I want to talk about last night for this post.

 I brought Ryder home around five in the afternoon yesterday. I was nervous to be home, but I knew that home is where we need to be to be able to really recover and for our lives together to start. 

   All I could think about when I got home was how I have this little human now. This little boy, that I carried in my tummy for nine months, is mine. I am responsible for this baby. I am the one who has to love, nurture, protect, teach, and take care of this little baby. 

   Ryder was eating really well when we first got home, and he was sleeping well. It seemed like when I decided to go get in my bed for the first time, things just started messing up. I was so tired, and it was the first night of me doing this by myself. I couldn't remember to write down when he was eating. I couldn't get him to stop crying unless I was holding him. Last night seems like such a blur because I was so tired, and I could not remember when he had started or stopped eating. It just was such a difficult night for me. 

   I honestly did not think about how difficult it would be. My mom woke up and came in to help me early this morning and I just could not stop crying. I just felt like such a bad mom. I felt like I had been doing so well, and then I was supposed to do it on my own and it is like everything was just wrong. All I could think about was how my baby was not going to be okay. 

   Now when I look back on last night, I had Ryder alone for only about four hours. It was not that long. I fed Ryder enough, and he was safe, warm, full, and with his mommy. (These hormones are no joke.) These first few days are going to be really hard, but I know that if I push through these days, I will be just fine. I really am so so blessed. 

   There is no way I could do this without my family. My mom and dad both came in this morning and held Ryder and watched him long enough for me to get a little bit of sleep. My sister watched him this morning after I fed him and got him settled down. That allowed me another hour and a half of much needed sleep. 

   After waking up, and getting ready to take Ryder to the doctor to get a check, all I could think about was a certain quote. “Making the decision to have a child - it is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body."  This is a quote by Elizabeth Stone.
  I think this is the first quote I have ever heard that is so applicable and true. Right now, holding my little boy, I am looking at my heart. When someone is holding Ryder, they are holding my heart. This baby is a part of me. 

   It is insane, this feeling of being a mommy. I pray that I will be the best mom that I can be for Ryder. I know I wont be the most perfect mom, I'm gonna mess up, I am gonna forget to write down which breast Ryder ate at last. I am gonna forget to write down when I changed his diaper sometimes. I am also going to love this little boy more than anything in this world. 

   I'm so happy my baby is now safe and in my arms. I am one blessed momma.
I have just started one of the greatest adventures of my life.


Wednesday, October 22, 2014

39 weeks!

   This is the last blog post I'll be writing while pregnant!!! I will be going to the hospital tomorrow night at midnight to be induced. Baby Ryder will be born on either the 24th or 25th!(: Ryder is the size of a watermelon. Fully grown as a baby. I can't wait to see how big he is. Hopefully, for my sake, he isn't a huge baby. I'm sure he will be around 7 lbs. and around 19 inches long. 

   I had my 39 week appointment on Monday. I hadn't progressed much, I am about 1 1/2 cm dialated, and 80% effaced still. After my dr checks me, she usually sits down, asks if I have any questions, I say no, and she leaves. On Monday though, she sat down and asked me how I'd feel about having my baby on Friday. I said I'd love that! My mom was induced with all six kids, so I have no idea whether Ryder would be late or on time or what. My dr is the same dr that delivered me, so she knows what she is doing. 

   This week was a little uneventful. It was my brothers birthday, he is 15. Which means he will get his permit soon (scary!). 

   Yesterday, my family and I went to the fair. My siblings rode rides, and I walked around with my parents and little sister. Cherith liked the fair a lot!

   My brother won a big stuffed raccoon at a basketball game, and I've never seen a baby love a stuffed animal so much. Cherith just kept hugging this big raccoon (it was bigger than she was!), and it was so cutee!

How far along: 39 weeks !

Gender: Baby boyy(:Gender: Oh Boy !

Weight gain: 26 lbs. Now I wonder how much I'll lose after Ryder is born !

Maternity clothes: I won't be wearing maternity clothes for much longer !!

Stretch marks: It looks like I've made it to the end without any battle scars, hopefully all my pregnancys will be this successful(:

Belly button in or out: still flat, and kinda poking out, but mostly flat.

Sleep: I'm sleeping pretty well. Tonight will probably be a difficult night though, I'm gonna be so anxious for tomorrow !! I need to get some sleep in though, so that I am well rested tomorrow.

Best moment this week: Finding out that I was gonna have Ryder this week!!

Miss anything: I'm too happy to miss anything this week, it has been a really good week.

Movement: Still moving quite a bit, hiccups still all the time. It's starting to get uncomfortable when he moves, which means it has to be uncomfortable for him too. 

No real cravings this week. I craved gingerbread frapps, and since I work at Starbucks, I got to have my gingerbread frapp once or twice(:

Looking forward to: tomorrow night. I am so excited to be having a baby, I cannot wait to hold him in my arms. I cannot believe I'm going to be a mom. 

   I have a little bit I need to do. I've got to clean my room, vacuum and dust everything down. I need to hang up two or three things up on the wall. I'm going to open up my little bed/co sleeper that my mom got me for Ryder. I'm touching up my hair tonight and I am just so excited. So far I am not nervous at all, but it is hard to fathom everything that is about to happen. I'm sure it will hit me eventually, now I just am praying that everything from this point on goes smoothly! 

   I will probably be on Instagram more than any other media site. I will also be putting pictures up on Facebook. So if you follow me on either, you are sure to be updated. I will definitely put a post up after I have Ryder. I'm just not sure if it will be in a week or not, so just keep your eyes open!(:


Btw, if you read my blog, and follow me on fb or ig, you'll notice I have seven blankets I'm selling, if you text or message me that you read my blog, you can buy a blanket with $15 off. Just mention that you read my blog when you contact me!(: 

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Pregnancy Must-Haves (for me anyway!)

   When I first found out I was pregnant, I looked at a million "pregnancy must-have" blogs, lists, etc.. 
   I would choose my favorites from each list. So I thought I'd put my own must-have list out there. If you are pregnant, I encourage you to look at a lot of different lists and blogs. First off, they are fun to look at, and secondly, they really are so helpful and informative!

1. Water!!!! I have a Starbucks I've cup, it holds 24 oz. especially when I was at work, I'd drink at least three or four cups a day. I also have two or three Victoria's Secret water bottles, and I loved the smart water bottles. 
   It is so so important to stay hydrated. I went a week or two not drinking as much as usual and had to go into the hospital. I also had a bladder infection because I wasn't flushing my system out. When you aren't pregnant, you need about eight cups of water. When you are pregnant, you need a million cups of water... Just kidding, but you do need about twelve cups, you are carrying a second human who needs water as much as you do!

2. Tums. Can I just say that I've never needed tums in my life. I think I would have had an awful pregnancy if I hadn't had tums. Between my dad and I, (he wasn't pregnant, but he has heartburn and stuff) we went through more than a few bottles. And not the normal size bottles, the extra big value bottles! Also looking back, I wonder if maybe I could consider tums a craving. You hear of women craving chalk and stuff, well tums are essentially chalk in a way.. So yeah, thoughts.

3. Pre-natal vitamins. I bought these the day I thought I might be pregnant. I just used the Target brand. They never made me sick or anything. I was awful about remembering to take them. I'd take them every day for a month, and then the next month, I'd always forget. No, I'm not a bad mother, and if you forget to take prenatals, you aren't a bad mother either. Especially if you are healthy and take care of yourself. That being said, I found it easier to remember to take my vitamins if I used my little pill bottle thing. It has a compartment for every day of the week, I have a really cute purple one.(:

4. Root beer. I really didn't drink soda before I got pregnant. I went a good three years where I would drink soda maybe once or twice a month. I enjoy tea and water and coffee, but I craved root beer when I got pregnant. I love Abita root beer, I promise it is some of the best tasting root beer. It is going to be hard to stop drinking soda again when Ryder gets here!

5. Sweatpants. I adored my Victoria's Secret sweatpants. They were never too tight, I wear them still. I have a pair in my hospital bag to come home in, and I will probably wear a pair when I go in to have my baby. 

6. Snoogle! Dude, these things are awesome. It honestly didn't help me when I was newly pregnant, I had trouble sleeping no matter what, but when I finally started getting bigger, I enjoyed it very much so. Until it got comfortable to use, my siblings used it a lot (even my brother). It is a little expensive, but it is a big pillow that will be used a lot. You could probably get away with a $15 body pillow from Target though. 

7. My tote. I have this particular tote that is pictured, just with black lettering. I also have two other totes. I crocheted a lot while being pregnant, so one tote would almost always have yarn in it. Sometimes I didn't wanna take my whole purse, so I'd throw my keys and wallet in a tote, and it is just really handy to have. I have my tote holding my toiletries in my hospital bag at the moment.

   Some things I don't have pictured, buy a pair of maternity jeans. Spend $50 and get a pair of really nice maternity jeans. That is one thing I didn't do that I wish I would have. My regular jeans fit me till I was six months pregnant, and then I thought it would be silly to buy jeans with only three months left, but I would have gotten so much use out of them. I've wished for jeans many times, so next pregnancy, I will be buying jeans. 

   I don't have dresses pictured, but I had about three dresses that I adored, especially in the in between stage where I was kinda rockin a bump, but not really. Maxi dresses are awesome because you can put a belt on and your little bump looks adorable. Maxi dresses are comfortable, and they don't have to be maternity either! 

   That is my list that I can think of. I also never used panty liners before becoming pregnant, but I've used them a lot the past two months. Mostly girls are reading my blog, so I don't think that is TMI... The guys that do read this (there are two or three, but I'll keep their name private for their sakes) won't say anything.(: 

   I can't believe that I won't be pregnant for much longer. I'll have my baby in less than a week! I will definitely miss being pregnant though. Hopefully this list will help someone out (seriously, get tums).


Tuesday, October 14, 2014

38 Weeks, My Little Pumpkin!

   38 weeks down! I am so ready for Ryder to be here! I am expecting him to come a few days late, but I want him to come early so badly. 

   Ryder is the size of a pumpkin this week. How fitting since it is October and Halloween is coming up and all. He should be around 7 lbs. according to the books. At this point, not much more is gonna change till he is born. 

   This past week was kind of rough. I had an overnight stay in the hospital Thursday night. I had mentioned in my last blog about how my family was sick, and I figured I wasn't feeling well because of that. I was wrong. I went to the hospital after work and ended up having an extreme bladder infection, being extremely dehydrated, and having ideal circumstances for kidney stones. 

   I ended up having three bags of fluids, antibiotics, and some pain meds. Ryder is perfectly fine, he was monitored two different times, and the nurses told me he was perfect the entire time. While I was at the hospital, they checked me and I was still 1 cm dialated, but 80% effaced. I was checked Monday at my 38 week checkup, and it was the exact same. 

How far along: 38 weeks

Gender: Oh Boy !

Weight gain: 26 lbs. I've gotten to where I am steadily gaining 2 pounds every weeks.

Maternity clothes: I can't wait to fit into jeans again, and leggings, some leggings are too tight around my stomach and waist now

Stretch marks: Still none

Belly button in or out: still flat

Sleep: I'm trying to sleep as much as I can, I've gotten to where I wake up three or four times a night again

Best moment this week: Nothing in particularly great happened this week. I'm still feeling kinda blah, which I will prolly feel that way till Ryder is born honestly. 

Miss anything: I miss feeling normal, as in healthy. I feel bad and just not good (I know that didn't sound very intelligent, but yeah). I'm not a complainer, but there is always something that I could complain about, at least this week. My tummy feels icky sometimes, I feel like I need tums with me all the time. This is gonna be tmi.. But nothing down below feels normal, which is normal because a baby is coming, but still. Hopefully my bladder infection/dehydration problem will be good and over with by the time Ryder decides to make his appearance.

Movement: Still moving quite a bit, hiccups still all the time.

No real cravings this week. I've just enjoyed mushrooms, and I'm eating red beans and rice tonight which sounds perfect right now!

Looking forward to: Labor, I'm sure I'll regret saying that later, but I'm so ready for it right now.

   I was completely good with trying to have a very natural birth. I don't want to use pitocin, I don't want to be induced, and I don't want to get an epidural. After this week though, I just want to go ahead and be induced tomorrow, just so I can have my baby! I've had my mother friends tell me the last month is the longest and hardest, but you really don't understand till you are on your last month. Pray that I will be patient in waiting for this baby, I'm sure I'll be pregnant in a week still. 


Wednesday, October 8, 2014

37 weeks !

   Baby is full term. He could be born any day now, and wouldn't that sure be lovely. I've adored being pregnant, but I've gotten to that point of feeling like a whale. One minute I'll be like, I love being pregnant, but I'm ready for him to be out, but it's great being pregnant, but it's time for him to get outtt. So it is quite fun.
   It really is just a waiting game at this point. I had my 37 week appointment Monday, and I am 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced. Effaced means that things down there have thinned out. And look at this chart ! (which I found very interesting).

   So now, when I go into labor, if I decide to keep people informed (who knows how I'll act, I may wanna just keep everyone informed and be very loving, but then again, I might become a hermit who bites peoples heads off.... Well, we shall see!) So, if I decide to keep people informed, you'll be able to come back to my blog and check out this chart! You're welcome.(:

   Ryder is supposed to be about the size of a winter watermelon or a honeydew melon (and I believe it!). He is just packing on pounds right now. At this point, the books say he gains about half a pound a week. 

   You can see what a difference ten weeks makes! These pictures were taken at 17 weeks, 27 weeks, and 37 weeks. Excuse how I look at 37 weeks, my whole family has been battling a stomach bug. Now let me tell you! I have avoided throwing up so far, but I've definitely felt icky. Being nine months pregnant and slightly sick is not fun. 

How far along: 37 weeks

Gender: A boyy

Weight gain: 24 lbs.

Maternity clothes: I am ready to get rid of my maternity clothes... Well, not all of them, but I want to fit into some of my normal clothes again.

Stretch marks: No stretch marks or veins or anything of the sort

Belly button in or out: flat, flat, flat

Sleep: I just want to rest all the time, I've started taking naps, I'm not sure if it is because I haven't been feeling good or if it's because I'm nine months pregnant.. I'm sure it is a combination of the two

Best moment this week: Finishing my room, all I need to do is put up some more wall decorations, this corner is where my rocking chair is! 
   I personally think the "drink pure fresh milk" sign is hilarious, since I'm breastfeeding and all.(:

   Cherith enjoys the rocking chair, it is super comfy. My dad and brother got it and put it together for me for my shower gift, it is seriously the perfect rocking chair!

Miss anything: This week, I miss my normal clothes fitting, I miss being able to get comfortable, and I miss being able to sleep on my stomach so badly, but I know that I won't have to miss these things for long.. And when I think about that, I think of how I don't really miss all that stuff and how I love being pregnant... But I miss those things.. (There I go again, back and forth!)

Movement: Ryder loves to move, he gets hiccups literally three or four times a day, it's ridiculous. I wonder if he will hiccup as much when he is born.

I've been craving gingerbread and ginger snaps. Just out of nowhere this week, I was wishing I could have some gingerbread cookies!

Looking forward to: Ryder being born. He will be here within the next month. I'm expecting him to be a few days late, but I'm hoping he will be a few days early. With my dr appointments so close together (they are only a week apart at this point), at least I'll know if things are progressing or not. My dr said he will probably come right on the due date, because that is how my mom was, but we shall see! 

   Sorry for writing a day late again, at least I'm keeping up and not skipping weeks! I really hope I can keep up a blog after Ryder is born. Pray that everything will keep going smoothly and that everyone in my family will be healthy and feel well soon, especially me!! 


Saturday, October 4, 2014

Panties, Pads, and Nursing bras, Oh My!

   So I have about 25 days (give or take) till my sweet baby boy will be born! I have finally (mostly) gotten my hospital bags together! This is what this post is about, hospital bags.

   I am a first time mom, thus I have never packed a hospital bag. I've read what other people have taken, and I've thought about what I would want to be comfortable while I'm in the hospital. 

   The blue bag is Ryder's diaper bag, and the pink one is mine. Isn't super cute how we are kinda matching.(: 

   Ryder's bag does not have as much in it as mine, so I'll start with his.

• two gowns (my mom gave me the advice that it will be easy to just slip the gown up in order to change his diaper and for the doctors to check him and all)
• two swaddling blankets (they match the gowns!)
• two cutesy, actual outfits
• one going home outfit
• eight pairs of socks (because I don't know what will fit him, so I'm taking a variety!)
• mittens 
• a pair of booties to go with his homecoming outfit
• a newborn Alabama hat (because Roll Tide!)

   I'm a very indecisive person, so I won't be surprised if I add another outfit just so I have choices. I need to get another hat or two, I'd love just a plain gray and/or brown one. I also would like to get some more mittens. I love the mittens, because it keeps baby from scratching himself. I don't want my sweet baby boy to scratch himself all up!

   Now onto my bag, which I will be surprised if I don't change anything about it! 

• Notebook and planner (I will also have pens to be able to write in them and for paper work)
• Sakura bloom sling (just because I cannot wait to use it. I may not even get it out of the bag, but I'd rather have it and not use it than not have it and wish I did)
• A pair of slippers and socks
• Big granny panties (I know for a fact that I will much rather wear underwear I bought and cleaned rather than mesh underwear from the hospital)
• One night gown that will be good for breastfeeding
• Two sets of pajamas (one is button down, easy access for breastfeeding)
• A nursing tank from Target
• A few nursing bras
• My going home outfit, which is just a pair of sweatpants and one of my comfy tees
• A robe

   And in a bag within this bag, I have my cosmetics and beauty supplies.• My bag
• Hair bands and ties
• My hairbrushes 
• Toothbrush and toothpaste
• Hairspray (it's miniature)
• Deoderent 
• Makeup fanny pack
• Eyeliner and Mascara
• Tums
• Wallet
• Big pads

   I enjoy doing my makeup and I feel much more myself when I have a little bit of eyeliner and mascara on, so I would not leave the house with my makeup fanny pack. I'm sure there are few other things I could leave out, but I am definitely one of those people who would rather be over-prepared than under-prepared!

   I'm going to probably get a miniature set of shampoo and conditioner so I can wash my hair and feel clean. Hopefully my dad will let me borrow his speaker as well. I'm a huge music person, so I will definitely have music playing some of the time. I will obviously have my phone charger with me. I'm sure someone in my family will have a video and regular camera with chargers as well.

   If you have any suggestions (especially if you've done this before !!) let me know. I'm sure I will add some things before Ryder comes. I like to think I am pretty prepared though. Now to play the waiting game.

   I have a doctor appointment Monday, so hopefully there will be some progress and Ryder will be itching to come out!(: 

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

36 weeks

   By the end of this week, I will be considered full term. This means that in no more than five weeks at the most, I will be someone's mommy. Talk about hard to believe. I am so excited to meet my little boy. 

   I am so happy that it is October, because this is supposed to be Ryder's birthday month (although I think he will wait till November to make his appearance). Ryder is now just putting on some weight in my tummy now. He should be as long as he will be when he is born at this point. One of my favorite apps is ovia pregnancy because it shows how big baby's hand is, and Ryder's hand has grown so much. I remember when it showed that his hand wasn't any bigger than my fingertip!(: 

   This past week I had my baby shower, and I'm so thankful for everything that Ryder was given. People were so thoughtful and sweet, I'm so thankful for everyone who showed up. I really don't have much more I need before Ryder is born. I'm gonna need some more diapers, wipes, and I will need to get bottles eventually, but other than that, I'm not left wanting. 

   My room/nursery (same place) just needs curtains, blinds, and wall decorations, then it will be complete. All that I will need will be my sweet baby!(: I have a few more things to put in my hospital bag and diaper bag, but I will be putting up a blog post about both later this week (at least I'm gonna try!). 

How far along: 36 weeks

Gender: A sweet boy

Weight gain: 22 lbs.

Maternity clothes: I haven't bought any clothes in weeks, I'm making do with what I have right now

Stretch marks: None, and I really hope it stays that way, if I get stretch marks at this point, I will cry. It would just be cruel to get stretch marks with four weeks to go !!

Belly button in or out: flat, but I think it's starting to be a bit of an outtie, not quite, but almost...

Sleep: Hasn't been too bad this week, I've been tired, weariness has hit me like a train, I want to just rest all the time.

Best moment this week: My baby shower was great, I love having everything almost together. I cleaned Ryder's clothes and sheets, I've made two more afghans, I almost have my room all put together. I just have my hospital bags and a few other little things left to finish. I finally got to cross out a few things off my list this week (I love lists, and I love crossing things off lists!). 

Miss anything: My hands and feet keep swelling. I can't wear my rings anymore, and some of my shoes are kind of tight :( I miss shoes and rings, I also miss the days of no heartburn. Heartburn has come with a vengeance this past week, it is ridiculous. I have started waddling slightly.. Not a lot, but I want to not waddle, I'm not a duck! I'm starting to feel big as well, it is going to be weird to be normal sized again.. 

Ryder still moves so much, even though he is running out of space to move!

I haven't really had any cravings this week.

Looking forward to: I'm looking forward to putting up my next few blog posts, and I'm excited for my next dr appointment. Hopefully It won't be too uncomfortable being checked, and hopefully Ryder will be in the right position for labor to happen soon! Time is truly flying! 

   So sorry for being so late on this weeks post, I've been tired and busy. My sister didn't feel good, and I helped take care of her the past few days. Hopefully I can make up with extra blog posts this week! 
