Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Baby Fun Fact: Clothing Edition

   Alright, in my last post I asked what you thought the purpose of the envelopes on the shoulders of onesies and baby shirts were for. 

   You probably thought the same thing I did at first, it is for babies with big heads. Wrong. Say what?? Yep, it is not made for babies with slightly larger craniums (although I'm sure it helps.) 

   They are there for those times when your baby aims anywhere but inside the diaper (a blowout). It happens, to the best of mothers, to the patriarchs of mothers, every single mother will deal with at least one or two blowouts. It is inevitable, a fact of motherhood. Well when your baby has a blowout, why would you chance getting it into their hair and onto their face? This is where the envelope shoulders come in. One can pull their baby's clothes downward and (hopefully) keep the mess (somewhat) contained.

   Ryder spit up a bit, and guess what! I pulled his onesie off without even unbuttoning it because of the envelope shoulders. I've honestly been undressing him without pulling it over his head since I learned about this fun fact. Hopefully you found this fact as cool as I did!(:


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